November 4, 2011

Edenbridge Bonfire Society picks a celebrity!

The small Kentish town of Edenbridge has celebrated the discovery of the Gunpowder Treason for many years centuries. Generally on the first Saturday in November the town will see the results of many hours of hard and often secretive labour in its annual night of tradition, fun, music and colour.

You will also see a “Celebrity Guy”, a newsworthy national or international figure. Both effigies stand around 30ft in height and will cunningly self-destruct in a breathtaking spectacular of explosions!9718009 205568_114871665260880_114857028595677_130659_2283209_n 205626_114871385260908_114857028595677_130642_6875367_n 208089_114871565260890_114857028595677_130654_7818222_n 217560_114871438594236_114857028595677_130645_8127976_n 223385_114871585260888_114857028595677_130655_1857960_n 224999_114871695260877_114857028595677_130662_773310_n article-2056559-0EA292B300000578-969_634x974 big-pictures_t_katie-price-04110908 Blair_2044798i Cherie_2044793i Hewitt_2044766i

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